Hello 2019 – A New Year Welcome

It’s 2019. The start of something new always generates excitement. Whether it’s a new year, a new car, a new job, new photography assignment… well, you get the point. Personally, I am delighted to start the new year, to start 2019, because I feel like it’s a good time for a new start. Some fresh ideas and exploration into where those new ideas will take me is what speaks to my soul right now. January is always the month I look forward to the most. Not only is it my birthday (yay me! can you say party!), but it is the overwhelming sense derived from reflection of the past year that makes me feel centered and ready for the new, dare I say, goals. Yes, my 2019 includes goals and pretty lofty ones at that.

A look back to 2018

2018 was such an extraordinary year in my life. Seriously. Questions long burning in my soul were answered. In case you didn’t know, I was adopted at birth by two amazingly loving people. My adoption was never hidden from me. As far as life goes, my upbringing was lovely. Donald and Phyllis were loving parents. But as an adoptee, the question is always tucked neatly in the back of your mind… who am I? Where did I come from? Who do I look like? Where did that characteristic, idiosyncrasy, physical attribute, etc. come from?

Well, the mystery was solved in 2018. Through the use of Ancestry DNA and A LOT of intensive research, I found my biological family. Both sides. My mother passed away before I could meet her. However, I found four half siblings on that side of my roots. Two sisters and two brothers. Pretty phenomenal, huh?! And on the other side, my father is still alive! Not only that, but I have three half sisters on that side of the family! Wow, wow, wow, is all I have to say. Amazing! Truly.

Meeting all of these new family members has been something of a whirlwind. I cannot tell you how blessed and humbled I feel getting to know all of them. Some day I’ll tell you more about them. Just know that each and every one of them has been so gracious and loving. I pinch myself when I think about it.

A look ahead to 2019

Perhaps now you have an inkling as to why I am so excited about this year. So what is the big deal? First of all, I am feeling refreshed and renewed. Nourishing my mind, body, and soul with positivity and gentleness has triggered an undeniable fervor to create, not only in a physical sense of the word, but in the metaphorical sense as well. All of the emotion packed into 2018 has catapulted me into renewed vim and vigor to take on many of the ideas I’ve been tossing around in my mind for the past couple of years.

Also, I’ve really got to take better care of myself from a health perspective. Diabetes sucks. I guess I’m a cliche – new year, new resolutions. Yeah, I’m one of those. More on that another time, too.

All in all, I’m so inspired for the new year. It’s going to be a great one! Let me know what you are excited about for 2019. I’d love to hear from you. Until next time… Namaste ~ Amy

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